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 Nouvelle sortie: Armor Camouflage & Markings of the BEF, France 1939–1940: 1st Army Tank Bgde

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Nombre de messages : 420
Date d'inscription : 09/06/2017

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MessageSujet: Nouvelle sortie: Armor Camouflage & Markings of the BEF, France 1939–1940: 1st Army Tank Bgde   Nouvelle sortie: Armor Camouflage & Markings of the BEF, France 1939–1940: 1st Army Tank Bgde EmptyMar 15 Mai 2018 - 15:10


Je n'ai pas eu ce livre sorti fin mars 2018 dans les mains mais les sources sur le sujet des blindés de la BEF étant assez clairsemées, autant les faire connaitre.

Voici le texte officiel de présentation de "Armor Camouflage & Markings of the British Expeditionary Force, France 1939–1940: Part 1: 1st Army Tank Brigade" (Armor Color Gallery).

Part 1 of Armor Camouflage & Markings of the British Expeditionary Force, France 1939–1940 examines the tanks of the 1st Army Tank Brigade. For security reasons, photography by British soldiers was strictly forbidden but encouraged on the German side. These after-the-battle photographs taken by German soldiers are valuable in examining what the tanks looked like during the 1940 campaign.

Included are 157 b&w photographs and 26 full-color plates. Using war diaries, training pamphlets and other documents, the camouflage and markings of these armored vehicles are described. A brief description of the three types of tanks used, and the movements of the Brigade during the campaign are also covered. The photo captions point out the differences in the three types of A11, the modifications made specifically to the A12s and other information when known, such as the vehicle’s location and tank crew. The color plates depict the Light Tanks, the A11 and A12 Infantry Tanks, and show the camouflage and markings on several of each type. This book is the best-captioned reference to date, companioned with charts, rare unpublished photographs and color plates. It is a valuable resource for the armor enthusiast and military modeler.

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